المدرسة الثانوية بنات بأبوتيج
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

المدرسة الثانوية بنات بأبوتيج
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 unit 9 الصف الثانى الثانوى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 242
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/11/2011

unit 9 الصف الثانى الثانوى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: unit 9 الصف الثانى الثانوى   unit 9 الصف الثانى الثانوى I_icon_minitimeالخميس ديسمبر 29, 2011 5:04 pm

bronze medal
take part in
the Olympics
the Olympic Games
religious festival
sports events
sports festival ميدالية برونزية
تمرين رياضى / يتمرن
يشارك فى
يستفيد / يفيد / فائدة
الالعاب الاوليمبية
الالعاب الاوليمبية
مهرجان دينى
مسابقة / لاعب دولي
لسوء الحظ
ينجز / يحقق
منافسة / مسابقة
يتحدى / تحدى
لاعب رياضى
لاعبة رياضية
يتصل بـ
أحداث رياضية
مهرجان رياضى career
take place
running race
heavenly religions
leather gloves
sports facilities
sports clothes
professional coach مهنة
ذروة / حدث بارز
الدين / العقيدة
سباق العدو
قبل الميلاد
عالم آثار
الاديان السماوية
فردى / الفرد
قفاز من الجلد
يحتفل بـ
يهز / يرج
تسهيلات رياضيى
ملابس رياضية
مدرب محترف
individual sports
team sports
TV coverage
opportunity / chance
fitness رياضة / ألعاب القوى
ألعاب فردية
ألعاب جماعية
فخر / اعتزاز
تغطية تليفزيونية
حافز أو دافع ذاتى
بؤرة / يركز / مركز
ضبط النفس
ملائم / متعلق بالموضوع
خواص / صفات
متساوى / متكافئ
اللياقة fair play
water skiing
The state
sponsor (v)
origin اللعب النظيف
كرامة / شهرة / مكانة
لوحة الشطرنج
التزلج على الماء
لعبة كرة الشبكة
ملعب (تنس أو سلة)
رياضى / متعلق بالجمباز
يرعى (لاعب رياضى)

• Prepositions, Idioms and Expressions:
turn off
turn on
set a target
make sacrifices
make history
provide ….. with
provide ….. for
throw onto the ground
benefit from
bring attention to يغلق (جهاز)
يشغل (جهاز)
يحدد هدف
يقدم تضحيات
يصنع التاريخ
يزود .... بـ
يوفر .... لـ
يطرح على الارض
يستفيد من
يجذب الاهتمام لـ prepare for
break a record
beat a record
have contact with
be willing to
be exposed to
win a medal for
tend to
play for a team
come third يستعد من أجل
يحطم رقم قياسى
يحطم رقم قياسى
لديه اتصال بـ
يكون راغبا فى
يكون معرضا لـ
يفوز بميدالية فى
يميل الى
يلعب لفريق
يحصل على المركز الثالث

• "take" as phrasal verb:
take care of
take turns
take place يعتنى بـ
يأخذ دوره
يحدث take part in
take off
take after يشارك فى
تقلع (الطائرة)

• Derivatives:
Verb Noun Adjective
benefit يستفيد benefit فائدة beneficial مفيد
professional محترف
professionalism احترافية
profession مهنة professional محترف
destroy يدمر destruction دمار destructive مدمر
athletics ألعاب رياضية
athlete شخص رياضى athletic رياضى
honesty أمانة honest امين
compete يتنافس competition منافسة
competitor متنافس competitive تنافسى

• Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:
- solar energy
- encourage
- mass destruction weapons
- the United Nations
- revolution
- passer-by الطاقة الشمسية
أسلحة الدمــار الشـامل
الأمم المتحدة
أحد المارة - elderly people
- cost of living
ًًً- World Health Organization

- a mega project
- civilians
- priority كبار السن
تكلفة المعيشة
منظمة الصحة العالمية
مشروع عملاق

 Play – go – do:
تستخدم غالبا مع الألعاب التي تستخدم فيها الكرةplay
play )football, basketball, hockey, soccer, tennis, squash اسكواش, table-tennis, rackets, ping-pong, volleyball)
تستخدم غالبا مع الرياضات التي تنتهي بـ ing go
go (swimming, jogging جرى بطئ= slow running, sailing يبحر, dancing يرقص
water-skiing يتزحلق على الماء, running, scuba-diving, riding, hunting يصطاد,
climbing يتسلق )
 لاحظ أنه إذا كانت الرياضة المنتهية بـ ing يسبقها some أو a lot of نستخدم : do
* I did some scuba diving last week.
تستخدم مع الرياضات الأخرىdo
do (gymnastics / karate / athletics / sports)
 يمكن أن نستخدم الفعل do بمعنى يجرب و يأتى غالبا فى الجمل المنفية
* Sailing is fun, but I have never done it before.
 تستخدم do / play مع sport / sports
do / play (a sport / sports)
* Do you do any sports? Yes, I play hockey.
 يمكن استخدام been بدلا من gone مع الرياضات المنتهية بـ ing:
* Have you ever gone swimming? / Have you ever been swimming?
 provide
provide something for يوفر شيء لـ
* The government should provide job opportunities for young men.
provide someone with يمد أو يزود شخص بـ
* The government should provide young men with job opportunities.
 invent / discover
يخترع (شئ جديد لم يكن موجود) invent
* Graham Bell invented the telephone.
يكتشف (شئ موجود بالفعل ولكن كان غير معروف) discover
* Columbus discovered America.
 achieve a goal يحقق هدف (في الحياة)
 score a goal يسجل هدف (في مباراة مثلا)
 see / hear / listen to / watch / notice:
يأتى بعد الأفعال السابقة مفعول ثم فعل ينهى بـ ing للتعبير عن جزء من الحدث أو يأتى بعدها مفعول ثم مصدر للتعبير عن الحدث ككل.
1- I saw him playing football. = I saw part of the game.
2- I saw him play football. = I saw the whole game.
 sense verbs: (smell / taste / feel / sound / look) + Adj. تستخدم صفة بعد أفعال الحواس:
1- That flower smells beautiful.
2- That cloth feels soft.
3- The meat tasted nice.
 يمكن استخدام أفعال الحواس كأسماء و فى هذه الحالة يستخدم معها الفعل have:
1- That flower has a beautiful smell.
2- That cloth has a soft feel.
3- The meat had a nice taste.
 وتستخدم صفة أيضا بعد الأفعال الآتية: be – seem – appear
1- She's clever. 2- She seems ill.
 together with = includingوهذا يشمل
* Longer races were added to the Olympics, together with boxing.
 لاحظ استخدام I'm afraid بمعني I'm sorry to say..:
* I'm afraid I'm so busy. = I'm sorry to say that I'm so busy.
 لاحظ أن كلمة each يأتي بعدها مفرد أما every فيأتي بعدها مفرد أو عدد 2/ 3 / 4 :
every student / every 4 years
each one / each book
 لاحظ استخدام فعل مفرد مع :The Olympics / The Olympic Games
* The Olympic Games takes place every four years.
 لايستخدم حرف جر قبل كلمة : everywhere
* I looked for my book everywhere, but I couldn't find it.
 reason for – cause of
مبرر / تفسيرreason for + noun \ v. + ing
* Could you give me a reason for being absent yesterday?
reason why + subject + v.
* Could you give me a reason why you were absent yesterday?
سببcause of + noun
* Pollution is the main cause of serious diseases.
يسببcause + object
* Pollution causes serious diseases.
☺️لاحظ استخدام المقطع en لتكوين الفعل من بعض الكلمات:

wide كبير
متسع enlarge
widen يكبر/يضخم
يوسع courage
strong شجاعة
قوى encourage
strengthen يشجع
يعرض للخطر


•يستخدم المضارع التام في الحالات الآتية :
1- حدث بدأ في الماضي وما زال مستمرا:
1- She has worked very hard this week.
2- She has lived here for 10 years.
2- حدث تم مؤخرا أو منذ فترة قريبة :
1- He has just passed the exam.
2- She has already done the homework.
3 - للتعبير عن خبرة شخص في شيء معين :
* He has always enjoyed fishing.

4- للتعبير عن حدث تم في الماضي وله صلة بالحاضر :
* Charles has written a number of short stories.
☺️الجملة السابقة تدل ضمنا علي أن هذا الشخص ما زال حيا ويمكن أن يكتب المزيد من القصص

•ويستخدم المضارع التام اذا بدأت الجملة بعبارات معينة مثل:
This / It / That is the first / second / third / only / best / worst, etc.

1- This is the first time I have seen this man.
2- This is the fifth time you have asked me this question.
3- It is the worst film I've (ever) seen.
☺️لاحظ الفرق بين ما يلي:
•Have / has gone to ذهب إلي مكان ولم يعد منه بعد
•Have / has been to ذهب إلي مكان وعاد منه
1- She has been to Myanmar. She came back two days ago.
2- He has gone to Turkey. He will be back in a few days.

•ولذلك نستخدم عادة السؤال التالي عندما نسأل شخص عن المكان الذي كان موجودا فيه وعاد منه:
* A: Where have you been?
B: I have been to London.

•يتكون المضارع التام المستمر من :

•ويستخدم المضارع التام المستمر عادة مع الكلمات :
since / ever since / for / all day / all week
•يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر ليدل علي حدث بدأ في الماضي و مازال مستمرا حتى الآن ويعبر عن :
1- حدث مستمر حتي الوقت الحاضر :
* I've been studying all day.
2- حدث بدأ في الماضي واستمر حتي الآن :
1- I've been running a lot recently.
2- I've been learning Spanish for the last few months.
3- It has been raining heavily for the past three days.
3- تفسير لموقف في الحاضر :
1- I've been running – that's why I'm so tired.
2- I'm sorry about this mess. I've been painting my room.
• وغالبا ما تكون في الجملة كلمات تدل علي الاستمرار:

1- He has been working there ever since he passed his exams.
2- He has been working there for a long time / for 3 years.
3- It has been raining for three days now.

1- They started to do the homework at 6 o’clock and they are still doing it. (since)
- They have been doing the homework since 6 o’clock.
2- She started to clean the house two hours ago and she hasn’t finished yet. (for … now)
She has been cleaning the house for two hours now.

*We have been living here for 6 years and we don’t intend to move.

•أحيانا يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر مع How long :
* How long have you been smoking?
ولكن لاحظ استخدام How long ago بمعني Whenفي الماضي البسيط:
* How long ago did you do the job? = When did you do the job?

•يستخدم هذا الزمن غالبا مع الأفعال التي تستغرق وقتا طويلا إلي حد ما مثل :
teach / learn / rain / cook / sleep / play / run / study / write / read / stay
* It has been raining for the past three hours.

•إذا ذكر عدد مرات حدوث الفعل يستخدم المضارع التام present perfect :
* He has written three letters.

•لاحظ أن هناك أفعال لا تستخدم في الأزمنة المستمرة حتى مع وجود كلمات تدل علي الاستمرار في الجملة: (راجع هذه الأفعال في الوحدة الأولي):
1- I have known him for ten years now.
2- I have owned this washing machine for 5 years now.
3- He has been in the army for 5 years now.

• Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
1- Choose the correct answer:
1) To (take part – take care – take turns – take place) means to do an activity with other
2) (Concise مختصر– Precise دقيق– Exercise – Excess) is physical activity which helps
people stay healthy
3) A (gold – bronze – silver – iron) medal is a medal for being third in an Olympic race
4) They visit their grandparents (regularly – improperly – bitterly – elderly).
5) (Tennis – Boxing – Judo – Netball) is a sport in which two people try to throw each
other onto the ground
6) I play tennis (regularly – seldom – hardly – rarely) at least twice a week.
7) Most people feel (aloud – shy – proud – miserable) when athletes from their country do
well in the Olympics.
Cool Swimming and cycling are very good forms of (advertise – compromise – merchandise – exercise).
9) (Swimming – Jogging – Camping – Judo) is a Japanese sport which is a kind of
10) (Boxing – Fixing – Mixing – Taxing) is a sport in which two men wearing gloves
hit each other
11) To (take turns – take place – take off – take part) means to do something one after the
12) The Olympic Games (takes part – takes turns – takes off - takes place) every 4 years.
13) My plane (takes place – takes off – takes part – takes care) at 10.30 tomorrow.
14) I couldn't take (part – role – place – action) in the race because I had broken my leg.
15) In our English class, the students usually (make – do - take – play) turns to answer the
teacher's questions.
16) In 2008, the Olympic Games took (part-place-turns-care) in Beijing.
17) Last night our plane took (off-after-care-in) two hours late because of bad weather.
18) On school trips, the older children take (turns-care-after-off) of the younger ones.
19) I couldn't take (part-role-place-care) in the race because I had broken my leg.
20) In 1998, France (beat-won-earned-gained) the football World Cup.
21) I (play-do-make-go) karate on Tuesday nights.
22) I (make-play-do-go) swimming every week.
23) Swimming and boxing are (team-individual-pair-couple) sports.
24) He (plays-makes-does-goes) tennis very well.

تمارين من موقع الوزارة على الكلمات والملاحظات اللغوية
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.
1. To stay fit and healthy, you should _____ at least three times a week.
a. race b. exercise c. work d. keep fit
2. The _____ of my year was when I won the 100-metre running race!
a. top b. highlight c. light d. best
3. Many cities around the world have different _____ for different times of the year, which the people celebrate with food, drink, entertainment and different traditions.
a. festivals b. festivities c. games d. sports
4. Omar’s mother did not allow him to take _____ lessons because she believed that this was a very dangerous and violent sport.
a. judo b. running c. fighting d. boxing
5. I love acting, and this year I have been chosen to _____ in our school play.
a. take place b. take part c. play d. run
6. Some people say that _____ is not a sport. But I believe it is, and that it is excellent exercise for the brain!
a. water-skiing b. chess c. netball d. athletics
7. It is every athlete’s dream to win a gold _____ at the Olympic Games.
a. medal b. trophy c. prize d. first place
8. _____ is a sport for which you need to have a lot of equipment such as long ropes, and you should not be afraid of being in high places.
a. Rising b. Fighting c. Boxing d. Climbing

2. Complete the gaps with words from the box below.

earthquake train peaceful amateurs athletics career stadiums take part in record

There are many kinds of sports competitions. Some are at the national level and some are at the international level. The sportspeople who ____________________ these competitions can be either paid professionals or ____________________. For all sports, you need to ____________________ very hard for any competition. Some sports are very popular, such as athletics and football, which many people watch in huge ____________________. Other sports such as judo are less popular, but during the Olympic Games many people from around the world will watch all of these sports on the television. It is every sportsperson’s dream to reach Olympic level in their ____________________, and for some lucky and talented athletes, they might even expect to break a world ____________________.

3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. A competition in which people try to run/drive/ride faster than each other a. benefit
2. An advantage or improvement that you get from something b. take place
3. To happen (an event) c. amateur
4. The fastest speed, longest distance, highest or lowest level, etc. d. archaeologist
5. Someone who does something because they enjoy it and not as a job e. race
f. record

4. Write a synonym for each word. Follow the example.
A synonym is a word which has the same or a similar meaning.
Example: start - begin
1. athlete - ____________________
2. career - ____________________
3. fitness - ____________________
4. to train - ___________________
5. to destroy - _________________

5. Read this group of words. Place each into the right column, then complete the word families. Finally, write a sentence with each word.

benefit – professional – destroy – athletics – honesty

Noun Verb Adjective

• Exercise on grammar:
1- Choose the correct answer:
1) We have been building a new house (since – for – ago – in) last month.
2) He has been learning French (for – since – while- when) the age of six.
3) We have been waiting here (since – for – ago – while) two hours.
4) He has been playing football (since – for – while – when) 16 years.
5) I (work – have to work – have been working – will work) hard since the morning.
6) She (has to revise – has been revising – had revised – revises) for the test for three
hours now.
7) She (passes – is passing – has just been passing – has just passed) the driving test.
Cool I (tried – was trying – have been trying – have to try) to phone you since yesterday
9) (Do – Did – Have – Had) you watched that film yet?
10) Where's Hala? I can't see her. – She (goes – has gone – has been – had been) to the
11) She (has been studying – has been studied – had to be studied – will be studied) hard
all day.
12) They (have to learn – had learnt – have been learning – are learning) Spanish for the
ast few months.
13) Rania (has been working-worked-had worked-is working) as a doctor for the last ten
14) Fareed (has been working-works-had worked-has worked) all night and he is very
15) Dawud has been learning English (for-ago-when-since) he was 7 years old.
16) Ali has been travelling (for-ago-when-since) the last five days.
17) I have been doing my homework (for-ago-when-since) three hours.
18) What (have you doing-have you been doing-are you been doing-did you do)? You
look so tired!
19) I (have been working-had worked-worked-were you working) on this English
exercise for the last hour!
20) They have been doing the homework (for-ago-from-since) 6 o’clock.
21) She has been cleaning the house (for-ago-from-since) two hours now.
22) We (lived-have lived-have been living-were living) here for 6 years now and we don’t
intend to move.
23) She (revised-has been revising-had revised-revises) for the test for three hours now.
24) He has been learning French (for-since-while-when) the age of six.
25) She (passes-is passing-has just been passing-has just passed) the driving test.
26) (Do-Did-Have-Had) you watched that film yet?
27) Where's Hala? I can't see her. – She (goes-has gone-has been-had been) to the shops.

تمارين من موقع الوزارة على القواعد
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.
1. Samir _____ hockey since he was eight years old and now he is in the under-15 national team.
a. played b. has played c. has been playing d. was playing
2. I _____ all my homework and now I am ready to go out!
a. have been finished b. finished c. have been finishing d. have finished
3. Sara _____ to call Rania all afternoon, but each time she calls the number is busy.
a. has been trying b. has tried c. tried d. is trying
4. What _____ your mother for her birthday tomorrow?
a. have you been buying b. have you bought c. you bought d. had you bought
5. I _____ the Olympic games every four years for my whole life.
a. was watching b. have been watching c. have watched d. watched
6. I _____ the Olympic games all evening and now I’m going to bed.
a. was watching b. have been watching c. have watched d. watched
7. Rania _____ as a doctor for the last ten years.
a. has been working b. worked c. had worked d. is working
8. Fareed _____ all night and he is very tired.
a. has been working b. works c. had worked d. has worked

2. Complete the gaps using the correct form of the verbs in brackets (present perfect simple or present perfect continuous).
1. I ____________________ to netball lessons for four months now and I am really enjoying them. (go)
2. I think that since you started to play netball, you ____________________ a lot. (improve)
3. I am so hungry. I ____________________ yet! (not/eat)
4. What ____________________? You look so tired! (you/do)
5. I _________________ on this English exercise for the last hour! (work)

3. Find the mistakes and correct them.
Noha works in a bakery shop. It is 4 pm and she is very tired because she was working all day, since 8 o’clock. The bakery shop is very popular. Noha served 100 customers already today! She has not been having a break yet. Noha’s face is very red because she has baked bread and cakes using very hot ovens. She is looking forward to going home soon. Noha has been making a plan for tomorrow, which is the weekend. She wants to go to the mall to see a new shop with her friend Mona. Noha has looked forward to going to the mall for ages, and now she has been saving enough money from working at the bakery shop to enjoy a nice day out with her friend tomorrow.


4. Match the phrases, then rewrite each sentence below.

1. Dawud has been learning English a. for my whole life.
2. I have travelled b. to the USA.
3. My sister has passed c. my homework just now.
4. Ali has been travelling d. for the last five days.
5. I have been doing e. her university exams.
f. since he was 7 years old.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
unit 9 الصف الثانى الثانوى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» unit 3 الصف الثانى الثانوى
» unit 4 الصف الثانى الثانوى
» unit 5 الصف الثانى الثانوى
» unit 6 الصف الثانى الثانوى
» unit 7 الصف الثانى الثانوى

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
المدرسة الثانوية بنات بأبوتيج :: المواد الدراسية :: اللغة الانجليزية-
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